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27, Apr 2020
Tips for Search Engine Writing If You’re Not a Pro

Writing for SEO isn’t just about writing for your human audiences. No matter how good your content is,none of it matters if they don’t show up in seach engines properly. Undergoing a search engine optimization training will tell you that what these automated programs that crawl the web find when searching for what content to include in their database will determine your ranking. Before,many had to sacrifice the readability of their content just to make sure they get better search results. However,that’s no longer how things work. That doesn’t mean that no one practices these unnecessary and detrimental approaches anymore.


Here are some legitimate technques that will help you make better content that ranks well:


Avoid Keyword Stuffing


Keywords are what readers type into those search boxes to find the information they need. So,if you want them to see your content,you need to use them as many times as possible in your content,right? Wrong! Any attempt to manipulate a site’s ranking won’t work in your favor. While this may have worked in the past,search engines have become a lot smarter. So,make sure your content is human-friendly to get favorable results in search engines.


Have a Unique Page Title


Your chosen page title has a huge influence on how well your page ranks because this informs search engines about the content of your page. That’s why it’s important to make it unique but still reflects the keywords you want to highlight. You may have seen some page titles get cut off when they’re too long. While there’s no specific character count to prevent this from happening,make it as concise as possible. Avoid using words that do not have any keyword value,such as particles and conjunctions.


Optimize Your Images Properly


In 2010,Google revealed that website speed is going to be a factor when determining rankings. So,while it’s still important to use high-quality photos,make sure they’re in a standard size that won’t cause your site to load slowly. Also,put a descriptive file name on each image before uploading,as this will help with the rankings as well.


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